Entrepreneur Mindset: No time for me? No time for you.
Don’t undervalue yourself!
Hi, it’s Sal Peer here and I just wanted to share a quick story with you that made me realize something that has changed everything…
A little while back I was pursuing this “entrepreneur” and I use the word lightly as it seems like everyone is an entrepreneur these days.
Anyway, that’s a different rant entirely.
I was pursuing this “entrepreneur” to come on my show but he had no time for me.
Didn’t respond to messages.
Didn’t respond to emails.
I know why…
It’s because I didn’t appear successful to him or had perceived value.
People judge success very differently but it usually revolves around their own ambitions.
This entrepreneur did not do any research about who I was, what I’m about, the successes and failures I experienced, my list size, ect…
He wasn’t aware of what companies I owned, assets I held or even how I could help him.
Not knowing the people you talk with is a big problem for most entrepreneurs.
This part is vital and should not be skipped.
Because knowing who you are talking to is one the biggest advantages you can have as an entrepreneur.
Why am I telling you this?
Fast forward to recently *POOF*
he reappears and wants to be on the show.
No “I’m sorry I didnt respond because fake excuse.” Nothing.
I’m sure the reason he has suddenly come around has something to do with the people who have been coming on the show or the fact that I’m getting a little louder with who I am.
It also could be the beautiful family, the big house, the vacation lifestyle or the dream car I purchased cash.
I couldn’t really tell you what brought back this opportunistic “entrepreneur” but what I can tell you…
No time for me?
No time for you.
This whole experience has made me really try to understand and support the true entrepreneurs around me.
Because at the end of the day we are all just trying to improve the lives of our families, our selves and the world around us.
To your success,
Sal Peer