Building up a lead is very necessary for your business, irrespective of the fact whether your business is an online processor doesn’t have an online existence yet.
The building up a lead for your business means having a continuous flow of customers or prospects who can be convinced to buy/use your products/services
Merely generating leads is not going to work for you, if you want to make a profit.
You need to master the art of generating ‘quality’ leads who can also be called ‘quality prospects’ in other terms.
This means that if you build up quality leads for your business, then the probability of your sales increasing and the time cost of pursuing the low-quality leads is also saved. Thus you get to stay in a win-win situation.
The lead generation process – what is the process?
The lead generation process in simple terms can be stated as follows:
1. Set an objective based on ROI for your business. This means if you are investing dollars ‘x’ for generating your leads, then you will have to set an objective of making a profit of dollars 3-4 times of your initial investment i.e. dollars ‘x’. Therefore investment in the first time is very important if you want your business to turn into a profitable association.
2. Attract customers to your business. Be it online or be it offline, make sure that you attract customers towards ‘what’ you want to sell. For this, you can use the various lead generating methods amongst which for offline lead generation you can use – print advertising, press releases, customer referral system etc.
3. For online lead generation, you have a broader variety of choices, which includes email, search engine optimization, article writing by professionals and post the same on business public forums etc.
4. Inform your customers about your products and services. Do not ‘push’ them into selling. Whenever a customer visits your site, that doesn’t mean he/she wants to buy your products. But it surely means that he/she is interested to know what your site is all about.
So provide them with means to quest their inquiries. That might be via ‘landing pages’ which are the most used ‘forms’ used to involve customers indirectly about knowing your product and their preferences at the same time.
Follow up your customers – speeding up your quality lead generation process
If a customer fills up the forms, or in technical terms ‘shows interest’ in your product, then comes the most important part, which is keeping a track on them or following up your customers. The best way to do this is to mail them or call them up directly and ask them about how they found your site and whether they will be interested in your services or not.
The final and again the most important part of the lead generation process to analyze the ‘quality’ of your leads once they have been generated.
The analyzing part is also important in terms of your learning curve because once you know that you have succeeded in generating quality leads, the analysis of the lead generation process will help you to repeat the process faster the next time.