If you’ve been looking to put a team together and don’t know how to get it done.
First thing is first. Putting your team together in the early stages is much different when you have cash flow. Keep that in mind.
I’ve had many fails with freelancers and outsourcing. To the point, I actually closed one company back in the day. There are some key lessons I learned before it became what it is today. I have 14 people working for me and all are 100% trusted and work with my clients directly.
My Top 7 Ways to build a team.
1. Define what is your role and what is not your role. Remember all though you might be able to do it all someone might have a lot more focus on their skill set.
2. Hire specific skills out of your team. I find that people are not looking for specific skills with a team member and often accept everyone to their team which is not advised.
3. Find freelancers in Funnel Rolodex, Fiverr, Upwork or Freelancer to help you with your weakest points. Normally what I do is hire a few people and compare results over time. Most freelancers don’t do a great job unless they feel pressure.
4. Know exactly what needs to be done. I find that most of the problem with hiring out is the project manager is not knowledgable enough to move the project forward. You don’t need to be an expert in any specific subject but you do need to know the mechanics and tactics if you are in the project manager shoes.
5. Bird’s eye view. (scope) Before you get started Map everything out. What do you need? When you know each piece of the puzzle you know what you need to focus on and what you need help with. It might be a really small piece that you can pay someone a few hours of labor.
6. When building your team always give them enough rope to hang themselves. The good team members are passionate about your project and will do everything to make that rope into a harness for the caravan your about to lead. Others well they get left hanging on the tree sorta speak.
7. Read reviews, see their activity. You should do research on building out your team. Of course, you can only be as selective as your wallet allows. Some people are willing to work for free which is excellent but remember free has a price. Keep in mind always get to a win, win. ie: value for value and you should be fine with this approach.
Hope this sheds some light on how I go about building my teams.
Sal Peer
To your success.
Photo cred: Billy Tegethoff