When pressure begins and faith in yourself and your offer are lost…
Here is a sure fire way to regain momentum…
I’ve lost faith and belief in many projects I started and pursued for years. Sometimes it’s because they didn’t produce the results I wanted while other times they didn’t align with the legacy I wish to leave behind. We continuously change and grow. Trust yourself.
Here are my 7 sure-fire ways to regain momentum.
1. Step back from the project. I found that hitting the breaks to recalibrate is one of the fastest solutions to re-ignite that fire.
2. Re-assessment. Figuring out if what you’ve been doing is actually what you wanted to do initially. We all get carried by the current stigmas and it’s important to know if you are actually taking the right approach for yourself and not for others.
3. Seek expertise. I’m an experienced marketer generating millions in sales for my clients but sometimes with my own projects, I’m blinded by my passion and my skewed perception of my own projects. It’s important to get a second opinion from a peer.
4. Remember why you started in the first place. I usually like to write my objective and my reasoning for starting whatever the project is. I hang it where I can see it daily. This helps me remember why I started and what I’m really after.
5. Stop listening to everyone. I’ve almost lost ventures that today produce hundreds of thousands of dollars because I listened to the crowd too much. The key is: listen to yourself, the market and the experts you trust. Forget the day players that have no relevance to your mission and cause.
6. Take action. Despite not being motivated or being beaten down by lack of achievements thus far. Continues action will usually result in insights and improvements.
7. The easiest way to re-ignite the flames that once burned bright is to celebrate your wins, no matter how small they might be. We as a species get major positive vibes by accomplishing tasks although most of us forget to stop and appreciate what we did accomplish.
I hope this helps. We all have been down that dark road. The winners and losers are defined by those that keep moving forward despite the setbacks and temporary failures.
Sal Peer
To your success.
What was the latest win you had?