Is over learning your problem?
When I first get into anything new getting stuck in a learning loop always comes up. It’s new, exciting and I just want to learn it all.
So, When is the right time to stop learning and start taking action?
Here are my 7 TIPS TO GET THINGS DONE and not get stuck in a learning loop.
1. Take a tactical approach to learning. Learn the Macro first. Understanding the eagle eye perspective first will allow you to comprehend what’s needed before learning.
2. Educate yourself on the things that need to be accomplished first. Don’t try to learn everything at once. It just gets confusing and overwhelming. Not to mention things get lost or forgotten.
3. Learn and execute. I found myself learning and not taking action because I wanted to learn more. Lol this happens to many of us. Remember action causes reaction. Take action immediately.
4. Create a schedule/time frame. Allocate specific times to learning. Example: 6 hours to learn how to set up a Facebook ad and proper retargeting. Do NOT spend more than the allocated time to learn that specific task that needs to be accomplished.
5. Realize it does not need to be perfect. It needs to be good enough. Regardless of how much time you spend on something you’ll need to go back and optimize. Done is better than perfect.
6. Do not get distracted by shiny objects. Every expert thinks they know it best. Don’t bounce around from expert to expert learning the same thing. As it’s not different skills it’s just different viewpoints of the same materials.
7. Finalize before you optimize. A few times I built businesses and before launching I would go back and hard optimize them. Big waste of time. You see you don’t really get to decide, the market does. Optimize after launch not before. It can always be better but it should be better for your customers, not for yourself.
It’s tough, there are a lot of moving parts in building and running a business but if you have a plan of attack, a blueprint, just start knocking down steps and you will get to finish line.
Hope this helps,
Sal Peer
To your success.
What were your biggest takeaways?