For those that are looking to overcome their fears.
You’re Not Alone.
I’ve been noticing a trend with the mindset of this whole game and I want to drop some value bombs into the pile.
My parents left me in Miami alone when I was 17 years old with no money and no one to turn to. My mom got sick and the health insurance back then raised the premiums and eventually canceled her policy for some weird loophole.
One of the first things I had to figure out is how I was going to eat and have shelter. I had multiple epiphanies during these trying times.
Here are My Top 4 Fears That Paralyzed Me
1. Approach Anxiety.
As a parentpreneur it’s even scarier to approach a new idea or business as there are a few others solely depended on you. Something you need to understand this type of anxiety is fleeting and once you’re past the initial approach you will feel anxious about something else. My favorite approach to defeating this fear is taking a tactical approach and following the plan I set out regardless of the outcome.
2. Fear of failure.
One of the most crippling fears I have ever known. The fear of failure has stopped many people from even mapping things out. My approach to defeating this fear is knowing and accepting I am going to fail. If you look at my timeline it’s scattered with failures. You see the key is knowing you’re going to fail and the trick is to mitigate the failure and capitalizing on your wins.
3. Not playing up to par.
I don’t care whether it’s the people you look up to or someone getting started we all believe we can do better. This idealism of perfection is a sure fire way to knock yourself down before you even start. Keep in mind there is always someone that does something better. You should play against yourself and no one else. Compare your journey to last year, have you gotten better?
4. Not knowing how.
We all had to start somewhere. Now I see multiple complaints and fears.
A. I don’t have the money. In this case, you have to learn the skill. It’s always going to be a question of time or money.
B. I don’t know enough. There is no short cut. Study and learn. That’s what time it is.
There are obviously more and maybe I’ll go into them in future posts but I didn’t want this post to be a book. LOL
Sal Peer
To your success.