Can I be vulnerable with you for a second?
Russell has been on my radar since he started with Marketing in your car. He worked with some of my colleagues directly. But I kept getting in my own way. My ego got the better of me.
I have been into online marketing now for 15 years. I had a huge following in the PUA world but got out of it for my family. I have made my clients millions and still do. I am a Google Certified Ad Expert and have a SAS and a team to support it that is doing $41k a month. With that being said I want you to hear where I am coming from.
This year I decided to go all in on CF to lower my client acquisition. I bought just about everything except the 2 comma club membership but might do that yet. I also went to FHL and saw what an amazing community you guys are. There is no way I don’t want a piece of that. LOL
The social dynamics and marketing tactics and theories he teaches are beyond legit. Regardless of whether you use CF or not. Obviously, use CF because it’s all laid out in the exact format you need. The frameworks, works don’t question that. If you are an expert marketer you can move in and out of the building blocks.
Remember that You are the biggest variable. Meaning your message, your passion, your story. Start here.
Most people build their businesses backward.
Also, don’t think every funnel you build is going to crush it. It’s not. When I was teaching pickup I always told the guys it’s not about whether you win in the interaction it’s about understanding yourself and how you affect those around you. Fail forward.
Marketing and theory are still social dynamics and influence. Treat people like real human beings and you won’t believe what you get in return.
Final note…
Don’t get in your own way. You can not wear all of the hats. Find trustworthy individuals and hire out.
You got this.