So what is really stopping you?
I keep hearing many excuses of why people are not getting started and to be quite frank I get it. I’ve been in the same boat for a while as well.
In fact I was retired for over 5 years or as my mom would say retarded. Here is the deal which i am sure you’ve heard before “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.
…But Sal I don’t have the money, time, skill ect…
Totally get it. This are just obstacles that you can overcome if you just put in the work. I am writing this post to try to re-frame your mindset so you can succeed.
Here are My Top 7 Ways to plow forward despite not having all the pieces.
1. Get your financing together – I know this is a tough one. There are always obstacles in the way, more expenses and more doubt when money seems to vanish without the results you’re looking for but it does take money to make money. Ads cost money, good talent costs money and click funnels costs money. So, the first step in starting on your journey is save money until you figure out the right path.
2. Dedicate time to work on your project. – Most of us have busy schedules and do this as a side hustle but if you don’t have good quality time management your dream will always take a back seat. If you are really serious set aside X number of hours per a week undisturbed to just work on your one thing. At least until it starts generating income.
3. Accept failure but not defeat. We all fail. Show me anyone that is ultra successful and I will show you someone who ate dirt for a long time. Success takes lots of failures before success hits. Believe me when I say get kicked in the groin regularly but my conviction and ability to take the pain in stride is what keeps me moving forward. Reward does not always come when we except it but if you continue on the path you will eventually reach your destination.
4. Nothing ever goes as planned. I hate to bring god into this but the truth is there is forces beyond our control in play. Your plan might be genius but it will seldom go as planned. As Bruce Lee said “Be like water my friend”
5. Be your own fan. Stop relying on others to fuel your flame. You are 100% in charge of how you feel. Motivation is fleeting but enjoyment in fulfilling task after task and taking pride in your own accomplishments is ultimately going to give the right mindset. You should love what you are doing not just for the fame or financial reward.
6. Reward your accomplishments. You don’t need to make a million bucks to succeed at running a business. In fact if you make over $400k per year net profit you are in the 1% of earners in the entire world. Take that into consideration for a second. I know there is all this “millionaire gurus” but the truth of the matter is you are not taking into consideration all there expenses. I’m currently doing $41k per month gross, but that is roughly $12k a month in net profits. My point with this is the average US household income is $56k per year as of 2018. So if you made more than that you should reward yourself and push yourself to do more the following year.
7. Mute the noise. There is all this noise on social media. So many different “gurus” so many different options. Stop it. Moving from one noise to the next will only slow you down. Connect with someone who you trust and helps you move forward and hit that MUTE button on everything else. This will help you make your first project a success and than you can move to the next.
I’m not a winner of any comma club award, in fact I don’t even care that much about the status. On the other hand I live in a mansion, have six figures in saving and residuals of six figures from multiple ventures. I am not a guru or an expert. I am just a parentpreneur who wants more time with his family and to help others achieve the same.
I hope this post helped you get a tiny mindset shift and if it did please drop a comment below and let me know what your biggest takeaway was.
To your success,